What is Blood Alcohol Content and Why Does it Apply to Me?
October 4, 2021

Measuring the percentage of alcohol content in your circulation after drinking relies on your blood alcohol concentration (BAC). The effects of alcohol will be determined by your BAC rather than the specific amount of alcohol you’ve drunk.
Some Factors Affecting BAC:
- Dimensions of the body
- Biology
- Condition of the body
- Medications that you use
- What you’ve consumed (and when)
- How much sleep have you had
- The amount of alcohol in your drinks
The degree of alcohol-related intoxication you will feel increases as your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) rises. While a breathalyzer provides legally acceptable findings and police officers frequently use it when they suspect someone driving while intoxicated, a blood test is typically more precise. Regardless of what chemical testing is done (if any), you should contact a criminal defense attorney/lawyer Fairfax VA for help.
How Is BAC Calculated?
The quantity of alcohol in the blood occurs in milligrams (mg) of alcohol / 100 milliliters (ml) of blood (or in grams per 210 liters of breath), used to calculate BAC. It’s commonly written as a decimal, like 0.08 or 0.15.
Having a BAC of 0.10 percent, for example, indicates that one part alcohol per 1,000 parts of blood is present in an individual’s blood supply.
The information below from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows how alcohol consumption and blood alcohol concentration (BAC) might influence performance, cognition, physiology, and driving capability.
However, owing to the resistance that builds with continuous usage, many accounts exist of individuals with high BAC concentrations who show no behavioral deficits on basic observation.
BAC Standard Drink Equivalent
0.02 percent – Two alcoholic drinks
0.05 percent – Three alcoholic drinks
0.08 percent – Four alcoholic drinks
0.10 percent – Four alcoholic drinks
0.15 percent – Seven alcoholic drinks
The number of drinks indicated above is the estimated amount of alcohol consumed by a 160-pound male in one hour to achieve the BAC listed in each category.
A typical drink contains 14 grams of pure alcohol (0.6 ounces). This percentage of pure alcohol you’ll typically find in:
- Beer, 12 ounces (5 percent alcohol content)
- Malt liquor (eight ounces) (7 percent alcohol content)
- A glass of wine (about 5 ounces) (12 percent alcohol content)
- 1.5 ounces of 80-proof bourbon or a “shot” (40 percent alcohol content) liquor or distilled spirits (e.g., whiskey, vodka, rum, gin)
The results of your blood alcohol level can appear in various ways, including as a fraction of blood alcohol concentration (BAC). The following are examples of typical outcomes:
- BAC: 0.0 percent – sober
- Legally intoxicated: BAC of 0.08 percent
- .08–0.40 percent BAC means severely impaired.
- You may have trouble walking and speaking. Other signs and symptoms include fatigue, nausea, and disorientation.
- BAC of more than.40% puts you in danger of significant consequences. A person with this blood alcohol level is at risk of going into a coma or dying.
Timing is often a tremendous factor in any DUI case, particularly one with a blood or breath test result. If you have any questions about your results, you should speak with a doctor and a Fairfax DUI lawyer.
What You Should Know About DUI in Virginia
Driving under the influence in Virginia is defined as driving or operating a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 percent or above, or after having consumed enough drugs, alcohol, or combination thereof to affect your manner, speech, disposition, muscular movement, and demeanor. DUI / DWI as a first and second offense is a Class 1 Misdemeanor under Virginia Code 18.2-266, a severe criminal charge, therefore, you will need a traffic lawyer Fairfax VA.
A maximum $2,500 fine, max jail time of one year, and suspension of your license for a year are all possible consequences of a first offense DUI in Virginia.
How an Attorney Can Help You
If you have been arrested for DUI in Virginia, it’s best to contact Fairfax County DUI Lawyers immediately.
Your Fairfax traffic lawyer at Rudolphi Law may be able to rebut the BAC evidence offered by the prosecution or keep it out entirely. An expert Virginia criminal defense attorney is who you need to help navigate this situation toward the best possible outcome.